YouTube SEO- How to Rank Videos on YouTube in 2021

YouTube SEO
YouTube SEO

YouTube SEO is the procedure of optimizing your YouTube channel and videos to increase vulnerability in YouTube search results. According to a Business Insider study, a staggering 567,000 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every day, so it’s not easy to catch a sight of your target audience. But after using YouTube SEO techniques you can easily generate organic traffic to your YouTube channel and increase your revenue from it. Firstly, let us understand the concept of YouTube ranking and then we will learn more about some essential YouTube SEO tips.

The Significance Of YouTube Ranking

YouTube’s Ranking Algorithm Decides

  • How your content ranks in the search results,
  • Your video attracts users or not,
  •  It contemplates how many videos a particular user has watched on your channel and then after an analysis it ranks your video.
  • YouTube algorithm examine user’s watch history and make a list of subscribers as well.
  • Engagement Rate and watch time

You can use following YouTube SEO tips that will help you achieve your desired ranking. Many YouTubers buy YouTube subscribers in order to achieve the desired traffic on their channel, and in turn, achieve better ranking in the SERPs.  


YouTube SEO increases important measures like good ranking, watch time, subscribers count, brand awareness, website visits, and ultimately helps to generate a good source of income from your channel.

To Make Your Channel SEO-Friendly:

YouTube SEO
YouTube SEO

A. Optimize your video content

YouTube video optimization techniques play a crucial role in upgrading your video content. To optimize your   YouTube video, you should:

1.Enhance Your Video’s Quality

Improve your video’s quality by using right editing tools, work on your camera presence, read out the video’s script to your friends as a rehearsal and make the needed changes, you can also use music in your background which holds the viewer’s attention in a long video.

2. Do a valuable YouTube keyword research

A good keyword research enables you to find specific search data so that you can reach your target audience, which in turn increases the organic traffic to your YouTube channel and give leads to your website.

Here are Some Methods to Find Relevant/Suitable Keywords:

  • YouTube search suggestions- You can select your keyword from the list of powerful keywords/phrases used in YouTube search suggest feature which people are already searching for.
  • Google search suggestions-Understand your prospect’s intent and look at the automatic predictions below the google search bar. Use these phrases to formulate an appropriate keyword.
  • Instagram search suggestions-You can also do research of keywords from Instagram search suggestions and have a keen look at what people are searching for.
  • Google AdWords Keyword planner- it can be used as a YouTube SEO tool   which is one of the most accurate sources of finding keyword data today. You can use this platform and form an alluring title for your video.
  • Google trends-A tool by google itself, helps the user find the trending topics. By using google trends, user can compare different keywords country wise too.
  • Competitor’s keywords-You can spy on your competitor’s keywords by using tools like VidIQ, Tube buddy and take motivation from them to optimize your video.
  • Use closed captions and subtitles feature you can make your video keyword rich by using closed captions as it becomes yet another way for your video to be indexed in the YouTube search bar.

For maximum CTR and better YouTube channel ranking, use long tail keywords to target both your general audience as well as more specific audience too.

3.Create a relevant/suitable title-

A title should be engaging and interesting. It must also contain your main keyword with a good call to action.

4.Add video summary and description-

Add a short summary and a compelling keyword rich description to your video.

5. Video tags-

Use relevant tags that will help put your video under multiple related categories. YouTube tags let the YouTube algorithm understand about what your video is.

6. Video Playlist-

Try to make a video playlist for your videos to increase your channel’s watch time. One Playlist should have one topic / theme.

7.Use pattern interrupts-

Use jump cuts, graphics, a harmless joke every now and then to engage your viewer for longer time.

B. Interact with your target audience

 1.Reply/communicate with your viewers- When you start gaining followers/subscribers, you can get messages on your personal social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. It is also important that you read and respond to all the tweets, queries comments, and any other messages you get (as much as possible). Interacting to them sends a positive feedback to the YouTube algorithm and YouTube algorithm promotes the channel. Therefore, proving to be a great YouTube optimization method.

2. Take viewers opinions/suggestions.

3.Heart the positive comments and also ignore the negative ones

4.Be consistent in uploading new videos to your channel.

5.Try to post longer videos and they generate more watch time on your channel.

In this way, SEO for YouTube channel   will help the creators to make successful videos that will rank in 2021.

Published by The Social Media Scribbler

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