How Can You Increase Your Brand’s Value with Influencer Marketing in 2020

Influencer Marketing has been all the buzz for quite some good years now. We can always see social media influencers, no matter the platform, endorsing some product or other, and their audience actually following their recommendation and buying that product / service from a certain brand.

Well, you are probably thinking, how can some guy / girl on the internet who makes videos or shares food recipes convince their audience into installing an app, or maybe visiting a website, or even to try out a service? Well this is what social media influencers do! And brands who are smart enough leverage a lot from this influence few people hold over their audience. Thus, today, we are looking into influencer marketing and how you can boost your brand with influencer marketing.

GryNow is the top influencer marketing platform, backed by a network of 30,000+ social media influencers across all major social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter etc., as well as pertaining to various niches such ah food, fitness, fashion, beauty, tech to name a few. GryNow aims to help brands meet their online marketing goals through well- designed and efficient influencer marketing campaigns.

In this blog, we will learn about the following topics-

  • What is influencer marketing?
  • Who are social media influencers?
  • What are some of the benefits of influencer marketing?
  • How can influencer marketing help your brand?

Without further ado, lets get into this!

What is influencer marketing?

What Is Influencer Marketing in 2020?

If you are living under a rock and still don’t know what is influencer marketing all about – keep reading! If you have a pretty good idea about the working of influencer marketing, you can skip to the next section gladly.

Let’s begin! Influencer marketing is a one- of- a- kind collaboration between a brand and a social media influencer, where in, the influencer promotes the brand and its products / services on their platform to their audience in exchange of some payment maybe in cash / kind.

Lets now understand how do social media influencers manage to persuade their audience into purchasing a product / service.

Who are social media influencers?

Meta Leadership Primer: Social Media Influencers

Now that you have understood how influencer marketing works, you are probably wondering, how come a social media influencer can convince their audience into purchasing any product or try any service? Keep reading to know how!

Social media influencers are individuals with a significantly large following on their social media profiles. They usually create content pertaining to a particular niche. They have built their audience through their expertise as well as hard work.

Their audience values their opinions and this gives influencers a certain power of persuasion over their audience when it comes to buying decisions. This is what marketers capitalize upon in an influencer marketing campaign.

What are some of the benefits of influencer marketing?

You have understood what is influencer marketing and how social media influencers gave birth to this much unconventional method of marketing. Moving forward, you must be thinking, okay maybe this works, but why do brands turn to influencer marketing instead of the traditional methods such as celebrity endorsements, TV commercials etc.

Keep reading to find out why influencer marketing has become the go- to marketing strategies in the more recent years-

  • Cost- effective: Influencer marketing campaigns are much, much more cost- effective than traditional marketing campaigns. So much so, that even start- ups can use to meet their marketing goals.
  • Targeted audience:Social media influencers create categorical content, which is why, they have a highly targeted audience. Influencers grant access to their target audience, which saves brands trouble of actually creating an audience for themselves.
  • Great ROI: Since influencers charge much less as compared to expensive celebrity endorsementsand they help brands gain potential leads, influencer marketing campaigns provide a very good ROI.

Now that you have learnt the major benefits of influencer marketing, lets learn how influencer marketing can boost your brand. Stay tuned!

How can influencer marketing help your brand?

How Can Social Media Influencers Boost your Brand?

You have heard it at least a couple of times and maybe seen an example of two of how brands have used influencer marketing to their benefit and in no time become a success. Now its time you also use influencer marketing to boost your brand!

Here’s how you can do so-

  • Build online brand presence- When influencers promote a brand to their audience, they talk about it and engage with the brand on social media platforms as they are interested in it. This helps brands to build an online presence.
  • Create social proof- These days people almost never trust a brand, but they trust other people and someone who has expertise i.e. social media influencer. Hence, when an influencer promotes a brand, they act like social proof for it.
  • More leads & sales- Brands reach a targeted audience through influencers. This allows them to gain more leads & sales. Thus, they gain a better conversion rate.

To conclude this blog on influencer marketing, I would like to point out that influencer marketing still has a lot of untapped potentials and great influencers to come which will alter how we perceive our marketing campaigns.

Coming to the end, I hope you found this blog to your use. Feel free to share. 

There are many influencer marketing agencies in India that help brands connect with the ideal social media influencer for their influencer marketing campaign. They are backed by a huge network of influencers pertaining to various niches and across major social media platforms. Influencer marketing agencies help brands meet their marketing goals through well- designed influencer marketing campaigns that are highly effective.

Published by The Social Media Scribbler

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